Sunday, March 14, 2010

Distracted Mama in a Nutshell

Writers are notoriously distracted. Let's get that out in the open right away.

It is not at all unusual for me to be driving five shrieking second-graders to the pool while making up imaginary conversations in my head, or folding laundry while listening to the same '70s rock song over and over because it somehow nails the essence of a tricky scene. And while on the surface it looks like I'm innocently making pancakes and pouring orange juice, I'm quite possibly plotting the demise of a silly character who wandered out on the lake before the ice was frozen through.

I know I'm never going to be the perfect homemaker. My kids are so used to the smoke detector going off while I'm cooking that they just cover their ears and yell, "Mom's making dinner!" It's unlikely you will see many Sunday brunch souffle recipes or pillowcase embroidery techniques posted here.

But is there room for improvement? Absolutely.

What I'm interested in exploring is this: Can a fine balance be achieved between parenting and writing? Is it possible to divide your attention fairly, or will one end up like the favoured sibling and the other like a neglected houseplant? (More on dead plants later)

I think it can be done. Let's find out.


  1. ... As for your question re: balance, that one's a stumper. I believe it is theoretically possible, so long as you don't mind if everything else that's not a child or a writing project goes to sh*t. To whit: I spend lots of time on writing and spend a decent amount of quality time with my children as I really should... but there's an inch-thick layer of dust on most of the horizontal planes in my house.


  2. Love it, but when are we going to finish recording the actual song "Dinner is Burning"?

  3. I totally agree, Erin. Beyond cooked food, clean dishes and clean clothes, not much else gets done around here.

    And Zee, I am just waiting for you to hire the backup singers. I'm thinking three guys in black leotards.
